February 7, 2022
Chiefs for Change/NGA Webinars Highlight How Two States are Using Covid Aid to Support Students

Chiefs for Change and the National Governors Association (NGA) today released two webinars that provide an overview of how state education agencies and governors’ offices in two states—Colorado and Ohio—are using federal emergency aid to meet students’ needs during the Covid-19 pandemic. The webinars covered a wide range of topics including learning acceleration, career and technical education (CTE), supports for students’ wellbeing, and staffing shortages.

Both webinars were moderated by Chiefs for Change CEO Mike Magee and NGA K-12 Program Director Seth Gerson. Panelists for the Colorado webinar were Katy Anthes, the state’s commissioner of education, and Alana Plaus, a former education policy advisor to Governor Jared Polis. Panelists for the Ohio webinar were Paolo DeMaria, the former state superintendent of public instruction, who now leads the National Association of State Boards of Education, and Devin Babcock, assistant policy director to Governor Mike DeWine. Anthes and DeMaria are both members of Chiefs for Change, and Polis and DeWine are members of NGA.

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Chiefs for Change/National Governors Association Webinar: Colorado
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Chiefs for Change/National Governors Association Webinar: Ohio