Access to an excellent education

Many children live in neighborhoods just a short distance from each other, but the quality of their schools is worlds apart. Our nation’s history of redlining to separate housing and schooling based on race and income, local zoning ordinances that restrict and confine affordable housing, and “school district secessions” by higher-income neighborhoods have created a system in which families with financial means can choose the school that is best for their child, while those with more limited resources often cannot.

This is unacceptable. No child should be forced to attend a failing school simply because of how much money their family makes. Every child deserves school options where they will learn and thrive.

Many of us have built and oversee well-regulated systems of school choice that serve the diverse needs of our communities. These systems have helped to expand options for families; replicate great schools; foster innovation; identify schools in need of intervention; turn around underperforming campuses; and weave together diverse neighborhoods in ways that are healthy and long overdue.