Superintendent/Senior Executive Vice President, Universal Companies

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Dr. Penny Nixon is superintendent of schools for Universal Education Companies in Philadelphia, Pa., where she is responsible for managing all aspects of Universal Schools and improving the quality of education.

With more than two decades of experience in education, she previously served The School District of Philadelphia in various capacities, including chief academic officer; associate superintendent; regional superintendent; principal; academic coach; and teacher. In each role, she worked to improve school culture, engage parents and community, and create instructional consistency in every classroom.

Nixon’s scholarly and professional work focuses on issues of school improvement; principal retention and development; urban school turnaround, community schools; and school leadership pipelines.

She was awarded the Phi Delta Kappa International University of Pennsylvania’s Outstanding Educational Leadership Award, the Schoolmen’s Club President’s Award, The Philadelphia Tribune Women Achieving Award, Joan Shepp’s Woman of Substance and Style Award, the Philadelphia Coaches Association Administrator of the Year Award, and Philadelphia Frontier’s International Community Service Award.

She earned a doctorate and a master’s from the University of Pennsylvania and is a member of the third cohort of the Future Chiefs leadership development program.